10 items found for ""
- 日本語レッスン | EDU-Mo
[For individuals] Japanese lessons ・ I want my family to take Japanese lessons ・ I want to improve my daily conversation ・ I have to give a presentation in Japanese at the company ・ I want to take an exam such as JLPT ・ I want to be able to understand by listening to Japanese news We respond to various needs for you. Price list EDU-Mo provides all lessons to individually. All plans have a pre-meeting (free of charge). * If you are far away, you will be charged a transportation fee. 40 minutes x 4 times a month 8,800 yen (tax included) 40 minutes x 8 times a month 16,900 yen (tax included) This is an online Japanese lesson course. Feel free to study Japanese without worrying about the location. 40 minutes x 4 times a month 12,900 yen (tax included) 40 minutes x 8 times a month 23,800 yen (tax included) All lessons are face-to-face. We will ask you for the location in advance. * Only in Koriyama city Online x face-to-face lessons Combining online and face-to-face lessons, You can study efficiently. * Face-to-face is only in Koriyama city 50 minutes x 1 time 7,700 yen (tax included) Business lessons ※料金は、日程等個別に決定後に銀行振込でお願いいたします。 Online lessons Face-to-face lesson Practice meetings, presentations, etc. Correction of materials is also set in advance, It is a great plan for business person. 40 minutes x 8 times a month 19,800 yen (tax included) * 4 face-to-face, 4 online In addition to the above, we also offer flexible planning according to your needs. Please feel free to contact us.
- 日本語、英語、外国人のことなら! | EDU-Mo
EDU-Moでは、外国人のための日本語教育、企業向け外国人教育、翻訳業務に加え、日本人向け英語教育に至るまで幅広くみなさまをサポート。「教育」×「語学」で個人と企業をサポートしています。やさしい日本語を用いたサポート体制も整っています。 EDU-Mo EDU-Mo is a company that supports Japanese and foreigners, born with the motto of "Education More". Anyone can learn whenever they want to. We will always give guidance that is close to the learner. Message noteで日々の様子も発信しています!→ 《 宮地真緒さん との対談が行われました (下記クリック)》 外国人に日本語を教えてみよう!体験会」で、未来の日本語教師が誕生しました 小学5、6年生たちは、日本語の面白さや難しさを体験しながら、教えることの楽しさを学びました 最初は緊張していた子も、最後は笑顔で外国人とコミュニケーションを取っていました この体験が、子どもたちの国際感覚を育むきっかけになれば嬉しいです️ EDU-Mo News 小学生 が留学生の先生に?! 当日の様子はこちらからご覧いただけます! →全編 https://youtu.be/--LLhRxWHEA →後編 https://youtu.be/oZy1OtIyNt4 着物 体験撮影会を開催しました。 華やかな着物に身を包み、プロのカメラマンによる撮影会 皆様の素敵な笑顔が溢れるイベントとなりました。 日本の伝統文化である着物の魅力を再発見できた、素晴らしい一日となりました。 ご参加いただいた皆様、本当にありがとうございました! EDU-Mo Event About EDU-Mo Anything about Japanese, English, and foreigners We will solve it in one stop We provide various services in the global society. [For corporations] Japanese language education Japanese lesson Foreigner Life support English education Education for foreigners. Support from beginner to professional level. Customize the content individually From daily conversation to test preparation We support a wide range! We support t he scene to be used "Difficult Japanese". ・ Infant English ・ Eiken measures Improve with "Moe Method"! We can provide lessons for various people such as individuals, schools, and companies. From beginner level to business level. We also support JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) * Japanese instruction in English is also possible Customize the content and learning style according to your wishes, such as online and face-to-face. Experienced instructors with various backgrounds will support your learning personally. We will ask you in detail about your request at a preliminary meeting. ·hospital ·Bank ·school We support situations where there are many complicated and difficult-to-understand Japanese words for foreigners. Basically, we support using video calls, but if you handle personal information at banks or hospitals, we will accompany you. We will definitely improve your English with instructional content that suits your needs. Basically, it is one-on-one, and you can freely combine "English conversation", "Regular exam preparation", "Eiken preparation", etc. at no additional charge during the lesson time. * Currently the capacity has been reached. Consulting on foreign education Translation International student support Multilingual support For consultation about foreigners ' education English / French / Chinese Spanish / Vietnamese Please contact us for other languages Support entry documents and interviews! ・ Shop menu ・ Hospital poster ・ Regional information Othrers " "Recruiting foreigners for the first time" "I want foreign technical intern trainees to work longer" "I want professionals to give guidance after entering Japan" "I want foreigners to teach Japanese living rules" Please feel free to let us know any other small concerns. We will contribute to improving corporate strength with high leadership. We undertake the translation of documents for foreigners invited from overseas and the documents necessary for studying in Japan. Please feel free to contact us as we will respond flexibly to languages other than those listed. If you want to study abroad in Japan or are interested in a specific skill, please feel free to contact us regardless of whether you are Japanese or foreign. This service is for foreigners who want to go on to school or get a job in Japan. We will firmly support you from document preparation, correction to application. We will create menus, announcements, and posters for foreigners. It is possible to support in multiple languages, so please use it. Inquiries 500 Terry Francois Street, San Francisco, CA 94158 info@mysite.com / / Tel. 123-456-7890 Send Thank you for sending
- お問い合わせ | EDU-Mo
Inquiries In addition to applying for lessons, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. inquiry Name Surname email address Enter a message Send Thank you for sending
- 自己紹介 | EDU-Mo
Hello Hello! I am Moe Kaneda, representative of EDU-Mo. We will contribute to the development of an environment where anyone can easily and enjoyably learn anywhere, centered on "education" centered on English and Japanese instruction. ↓クリック! My Story After studying abroad in England and Canada, I taught English in junior high school for 6 years. After that, I taught Japanese and devised a study abroad program at the university. After returning to my hometown, I worked at a vocational school for 6 years. Regardless of Japanese or foreigner, I am good at personalized instruction. The number of students taught so far is about 800. Taking advantage of my 16 years of teaching experience, I have been searching for a way to meet a wide range of needs related to foreigners and foreign languages from individuals to companies, and I arrived at the establishment of this company called "EDU-Mo". The number of foreigners living in Japan is accelerating. Under such circumstances, I would like to help deepen mutual understanding between Japanese and foreigners, centering on "language" so that the word "global" does not walk alone. A society that is kind to everyone without stopping learning at any time. I want Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture, and Japan to be such places. May EDU-Mo be the “learning base” for all learners. With a wish. CEO of EDU-Mo Co., Ltd. Moe Kaneda Contact I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
- 翻訳 | EDU-Mo
Translation business We will translate documents in each language (mainly study abroad and visa related). ・ English ・ Chinese ・ Spanish ・ French ・ Vietnamese We will respond flexibly to other languages, so please contact us once. Translation fee ・ Resident's card ・ Graduation certificate ・ Transcript ・ Marriage certificate, etc. Translation from national language to Japanese A4 size 1 page from 2,000 yen If there are many pages, there is also a bulk discount. Estimates are free, so please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form.
- 多言語化サポート | EDU-Mo
Multilingual support Have you ever had such an experience when you went abroad? ・ I can't read the menu ・ I don't know where the toilet is ・ Is water free? Is there a charge? ・ I came to the hospital, what should I do? ・ I got a notice, but I don't understand the meaning ... etc Foreigners living in Japan have the same feelings. Shop menus, hospital posters, announcement papers, etc. Would you like to make it a multilingual and friendly place for everyone? Multilingualization support (creating documents, etc.) Menu table, display of shops and hospitals, information pamphlets, etc. A4 ~ A3 1 sheet 3,000 yen ~ * +1500 yen for each additional language The finished product will be handed over as PDF data, so please print it out and use it. If you have already created the Japanese version, you can add it to the data.
- 外国人生活サポート | EDU-Mo
Foreigner life support Our friendly staff will support you when you are listening, writing, or screaming in difficult Japanese. You can also go to a video phone, a hospital or a bank together. Translation (honyaku) 1,800 yen / page ~ When you can't read Japanese, such as school documents, company documents, letters, etc., We can translate them. Interpreter 30min 2,500 yen 60min 4,500 yen When you want to talk about something important with your school teacher. When you go to a hospital or a bank, we can support you with a video chat or accompany with you. Listen to you 30min 1,500 yen You can talk with our friendly staff! If you have any other problems, please feel free to email me!
- 企業向け日本語教育 | EDU-Mo
[For companies] Japanese language education Have you ever had such an experience? ・ Simple instructions are not transmitted well ・ I want technical intern trainees to work longer ・ I don't know how to teach Japanese ・ I teach Japanese, but can't improve it ・ I want foreigners to improve customer service skills ···etc EDU-Mo instructor as a "Japanese professional" ! Price list EDU-Mo is the same price for one person or a group All plans come with a pre-meeting (free of charge). * If you are far away, you will be charged a separate transportation fee. * For the 1-month and 6-month plans, an administrative fee of 5,500 yen will be charged only for the first time. 7,700 yen (tax included) It is a plan to practice before presentations, interviews, business talks, etc. If you have any materials or documents, we can check it before and after the lesson. Guidance is provided by professionals who have a track record of finding employment for foreigners. * Basically online , face-to-face instruction is also possible. 50 min. x 1 time * Same price for up to 4 people 39,800 yen (tax included) * 1 month 50 min. x 4 times (1 month) * Same price for up to 6 people 222,000 yen (tax included) * 6 months 50 min. × 4 times (6 monthes) * Same price for up to 6 people ※料金は、日程等個別に決定後に銀行振込でお願いいたします。 Improve the Japanese ability of employees Recommended for companies as trial. Listen carefully to your requests and we provide the best plan for your company. This course is recommended for companies who want to improve their Japanese proficiency. Before the exams such as JLPT, we also conducted mock exams. Give feedback to companies and improve your Japanese skills with company x EDU-Mo In addition to the above, we also offer flexible planning according to your needs. Corporate power UP = Regional power UP Please feel free to contact us.
- 受け入れ業務 | EDU-Mo
Support for those who want to come to Japan If you want to come to Japan as a international student, EDU-Mo will help you! If you are interested in, please feel free to contact us! Submission documents to Japanese Language School or Vocational School ¥66,000 (Translation Fee, Selection Fee are included) ↓ When CoE is issued, you will pay ¥800,000 ~ ¥1,000,000. (Tuition Fee for 1year, Entrance Fee, Administrative Fee are included) *You have to book airplane by yourself
- 留学生サポート | EDU-Mo
Advancement / Employment Japanese Support Plan We will carefully guide you through interview practice, how to write submitted documents, and corrections. The basics are online, but face-to-face instruction is also possible. Plan List Those who wish to go to the university or vocational school 50 minutes 7,700 yen We will prepare for the interview. In addition, it is a great plan that also includes correction of submitted documents. Those who want to get a job 50 minutes 8,800 yen We will take interview measures according to your desired industry. In addition to business etiquette guidance, it is a great plan that also includes correction of submitted documents. English (English conversation) * For foreigners 30 minutes 3,300 yen Many companies in Japan require foreigners to have simple English proficiency. For foreigners who are not good at English, we offer basic English conversation lessons.